
An app that helps you keep track which products are good and which are not.

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How it works

All you need to do is open the app and point the phone to the barcode of the product.
When you scan a product, you can see how other people have rated the product and you can rate it yourself.
It's fast and simple, no clutter.

If you forget whether you like certain product or not, you can quickly check how you rated it using Productizer and not buy things you don't like by mistake.
By rating products you also help other people decide whether they should buy something or not.

Family feature

This feature gives you an option to see how the members of your family have rated the product. Just go to the ‘Family’ option inside the app and follow the instructions to create family, add member or join a family. All members of the family will be able to see how other members rate products.

This is great feature for husbands to do the shopping without the fear of buying the “wrong” stuff (again).